Tuesday 23 June 2009


I just got back from Orchard and Yuqin's place. Took some pictures in town but they're in my old camera. will upload them later. Yuqin has the sweetest dog and the laziest cat! haha. spent some time in her room looking at pics before heading home.

walking out of the airport this morning, i could feel the humidity and the heat almost instantly. even in the early hours of the day when the sun had barely risen. we touched down in singapore at about 6am this morning. the Jetstar flight was bearable, although i couldn't sleep properly. Noe's parents came to pick us up, and we had Macker's for brekkie (well now that i'm back in Asia, we had McD for breakfast. haha) Then me and Noe went back and slept the morning away.

yesterday was a race against time to finish packing up my room. it was very wise of me to go back into the city that afternoon to look for a camera. i had wanted a new one so that i could take pictures when i landed in Singapore but i still wasnt sure which one i should get. i ended up not getting a camera so i might as well have stayed home to pack. here's how the top floor of my block looked like:
The view from my room door. Sarah didnt close her door when she moved out so moved all my stuff into her room. i seriously cannot imagine packing in my small room.

Oops. how did i manage to collect this much stuff? :S

Even used the heater to dry my handwashed clothes overnight. It didnt work and so i resorted to using the dryer. Sheesh. Beats the purpose of handwashing them in the first place!

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