Tuesday 30 September 2008

evil plans

last night he was telling me of his 'plans' to wipe out a certain group of ppl -_-" note the ignored book on his lap. he was getting excited! haha.
who knew such evil plans could cheer me up when i was down. well, it cheered me up a while! =)

Sunday 28 September 2008

Zion's Search for a Star

tonight we went to zion's search for a star to watch rachel's church performance at the octagon theatre.

jinjin, noezin and me while waiting for the doors to open
rachel and rachel! ;)
. glow sticks! noezin's the yellow one. haha.
us =)
rachel's group performing =)

owh and i met up with letitia, a long lost school friend!

went back and had unagidon at jono's after that. yum!

Friday 26 September 2008

1st Post!

well once again i'm trying to blog again! haha. been lazy ever since i moved in to tommy more. and my first post shall not tell of the recent happenings of me, but it will be for Trish, Nemoous and the "not-so-important-specks-of-life", Lijin and Huiqian! hahaha.
[nemoous u know where i got my url from haha] changed my add for erm.. privacy reasons ;)

anyhooo.. i was looking through some old mc pics last night and it made me miss those times.. as said many many many many many times by trish =( boohoo. i wish u were all here and we were studying on the same campus!

this pic makes me feel old for some reason

and let's not forget emo nemo who would never miss any chance to tease, esp the allies! hahahahah! XD

wish he and trish were here - i'd have some help with those two =P

miss you guys!